Jan Hubrecht has become the 37th President of the European Golf Association

17 Nov 2021

The 2021 EGA Annual General Meeting took place last Saturday 13 November in Reykjavík, Iceland, allowing delegates from across Europe to meet in person for the first time after 2 years, due to the effects of the pandemic.


The 2021 Annual General Meeting observed the appointment of the new EGA President, Mr Jan Hubrecht of England.


The new President of the European Golf Association previously served on the EGA’s Championship Committee, the Executive Committee as GB&I Zone Officer and then as the President-Elect. Mr Jan Hubrecht replaces Mr Haukur Örn Birgisson of Iceland who completed his two-year term and continues to serve on the EGA’s Executive Committee as Past President.


Mr Jan Hubrecht thanked Mr Haukur Örn Birgisson: “Haukur, I take my hat off to you for everything that you have achieved in these challenging times”.


The new EGA President also thanked the assembly and concluded his speech: “I am as honoured today as I was 10 years ago when I joined the EGA, and I will offer you the same energy, time and passion to continue to do the very best for our golfers. Thank you”.



Picture: Mr Jan Hubrecht and Mr Haukur Örn Birgisson shaking hands for the EGA’s Presidency handover.


Mr Haukur Örn Birgisson delivered his last report on the work of the Executive Committee and thanked all delegates and committee members for their hard work and dedication in the organisation. He notably expressed his gratitude towards Mr Pierre Bechmann of France, now becoming EGA Honorary President, for all his contribution and support for the game of amateur golf during his time as President-Elect, President, and Past President.


Further changes in the EGA’s Executive Committee occurred during this meeting. Mrs Caroline Huyskes of the Netherlands, former EGA Honorary Treasurer, has been appointed President-Elect and will reinstate the EGA’s Executive Committee. Mrs Caroline Huyskes is also taking on the role of Chairman of a Working Group in charge of Environmental Sustainability.



Picture from left to right: Mrs Caroline Huyskes (EGA President-Elect), Mr Jan Hubrecht (EGA President), Mr Haukur Örn Birgisson (EGA Past President)


The attendees heard reports from the Championship Committee Chairman, Mr John R. Jones, the Handicapping & Course Rating Committee Chairman, Mr Richard Cau, and the Championship Manager, Mr Arnaud Baratçabal.


Mr John R. Jones commended his last report of the Championship Committee, finishing his five-year term by thanking all the participants in the EGA’s championships for their contributions throughout the years. Mr John R Jones is replaced by Mr Yves Hofstetter, St Andrews Trophy captain, who has been appointed as the new Chairman of the EGA’s Championship Committee.


Furthermore, three new members have joined the EGA’s Executive Committee: Mrs Hanna Hartikainen of Finland has replaced Mr Jim Staffensen as the new North Zone Officer. Mr Gábor Gágyor of Hungary has replaced Mr Zdeněk Kodejš as the new Central Zone Officer. Mr Miguel Franco De Sousa of Portugal has replaced Mr Stefano Manca as the new South Zone Officer.


Mrs Geraldine Henry of Ireland will continue her role as GB&I Zone Officer, Mr Richard Cau of Italy will also continue to fulfil his responsibilities as Chairman of the Handicapping and Course Rating Committee, and Mr Achim Battermann of Germany will continue to serve as EGA’s Honorary Treasurer.


The next EGA Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday, 19 November 2022 in Rome, Italy.



Picture of the new EGA Executive Committee (from left to right): Mr Yves Hofstetter, Mr Miguel Franco De Sousa, Mr Richard Cau, Mr Haukur Örn Birgisson, Mrs Hanna Hartikainen, Mrs Geraldine Henry, Mr Jan Hubrecht, Mr Gábor Gágyor, Mrs Caroline Huyskes.