19 Nov 2015


The European Golf Association has the pleasure to announce that Mr Jean-Marc Mommer from Switzerland became the new EGA President at the Annual General Meeting held in St Andrews, Scotland, on Saturday 14th November 2015, succeeding Mr Colin Wood.

Mr Mommer expressed himself regarding his tasks during his two-year presidency: 

“As President, I will first and foremost represent the EGA to the various partners of the golfing industry, but my key obligations will be directed towards our member countries.

The development strategy is indeed very important. In this respect, emphasis will be put on the encouragement of the best amateur golfers in Europe, the collaboration with the Professional Tours, and the development of sport in the younger golfing nations.

Among the core tasks, the EGA has launched various projects under the name "Golf Europe". The aim is to reinforce the sport from a sustainable development perspective in the fields of environment, economic, social impact and integrity. This Initiative is part of the "EU 2020 Vision" which endeavours to promote an integral and sustainable growth. The "GoGolf" initiative subscribes to this vision. Five of our member countries will take part in this initiative and will be supported during the next three years. The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Estonia, France and Portugal will be testing new methods to propose golf to youngsters. At the same time, it gives us a platform to explain the health benefits that our sport can bring to all ages.

My personal objectives are to strengthen the support to our 47 member countries and represent the EGA in Europe and the rest of the world in the best possible manner. These international ties are extremely important, also to carry out my own ideas and projects. This applies, for example, to the handicap system. It is true that this subject is complex, but the amendments announced for next year will ease the life of 80% of golfers.

In the long run, the EGA is working on a worldwide handicap system. We have created a working group coming from different horizons and, as president of the EGA, I am a part of it. The next meeting will be held in Switzerland at the end of the year. That said, we are only at the beginning of a long process. My two-year mandate will not be sufficient.”

(source GolfSuisse)

Mr Mommer is a keen golfer and member of Montreux Golf Club in Switzerland where he plays to a five handicap.